Welcome to the new GraphicFantastic! For years the site was simple — a small collection of static HTML pages and JPG covers — but for a very good reason. I was too busy doing cover work to spend much time on the web site displaying it. I have some web design skills, but keeping up with an evolving content management system and markup language wasn’t on my agenda.
Enter 2020. It’s time for a web site redesign. So please excuse my dust.
The gallery is at this time displaying only half a dozen of some of my recent covers. I’m in the midst of major computer housekeeping, cataloging almost 20 years of art and design files, so the gallery section of this site will likely grow. If you’re familiar with my work, please contact me and let me know your favorites.
Tentative plans for this blog include some basic how-to tutorials for the die-hard DIY authors, behind-the-scene videos of some of my covers, author bios, book synopses, marketing ideas, and general industry news.
Be sure to check back often.